When it is time to Rebrand
“If you have launched your brand, why would you go through the expense of rebranding this? ”
Building a strong brand takes time and a considerable investment, but can reap rewards for years to come.
Rebranding can take many forms, from renaming your company to implementing a new business model. A simple fix could include addressing new channels or tweaking the language you use. Some companies also tend to go through a complete rebranding exercise which takes a little longer but can reposition your brand in a more contemporary and relevant place in the market. Whilst these changes are taking place, businesses must still work to connect with their customers.
When to decide to rebrand.
Your vision has changed – As companies grow, people grow, and your vision and goals for your business may have shifted since your initial launch. Perhaps your sales have dropped and to move forward, you may need to go back to the drawing board to discover how to reposition your brand.
Your target demographic has changed – If your customer base is ageing you may want to appeal to a younger audience. It is important to consistently look at how your customers engage with your brand and adapt with their changing habits.
The overall landscape has changed – In this fast-moving digital world, the landscape is constantly evolving, it’s key to be aware of what’s going on in the marketplace. It’s imperative to also understand what your competitors are doing because you have the same target audience.
Before you start diving into a relaunch it’s good to understand what is needed to develop a strong brand in the first place. It’s good to go back to basics and understand what works, and what doesn’t work. It’s obviously so much more than your logo, colours, font types, imagery, packaging, messaging. Your brand is your business’s character and brand identity.
Just remember your brand should answer the following:
What do you stand for?
What’s your purpose?
What makes you special?
How will you be remembered?
What’s your brand personality and tone of voice?
Why should a customer choose your product or service over the competition?
Your brand should clearly communicate your purpose, be memorable, and be consistent.
Branding is such a fundamental element to building a successful brand, and there is a lot more to consider than purely naming your brand or designing your colours and logo.
Come and join us:
If you have launched a brand, or are looking to launch a brand, and are looking for support in growing your business, and you love the idea of having a community of people to support you, come and join us! Get in touch hello@beautytolife.co.uk. BeautytoLife is our online coaching program and a Beauty Business Club - we support beauty and wellness entrepreneurs across the world in building their brands.
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